Competencies: Feedback, Self-reflection, Workload Division
Distribute the activity guide to students. Each student will need one activity guide per team member (i.e. If working in teams of five, each student will need five activity guides).
Step 1: Instruct the students to write one team member’s name on each activity guide.
Step 2: Ask students to reflect briefly on the project they have just completed, thinking specifically about the contributions of each team member and their own contributions.
Step 3: Direct students to give a filled out copy of the activity guide to each of their teammates, so each person has all the activity guides that indicate their teammates perception of their team contributions (i.e. the person whose name is after “Teammate’s Name”).
Step 4: Ask students to read over the activity guides given to them by their teammates and reflect on the responses they received. The following questions may help with student reflection.
Step 5: Ask students to read over the activity guides given to them by their teammates and reflect on the responses they received. The following questions may help with student reflection.
Transition to the standard writing and communications program (WCP) in-class reflection
Step 1: Give your students 5-10 minutes to brainstorm answers to the questions below. Their responses can be bullet points, stream of consciousness, or sentence fragments. Students are welcome to write their responses on paper or in a digital format. For either format, the student should plan to save the document and have access to it during finals when it comes time to compose the final portfolio. We suggest adding a question relating to teamwork during this reflection time as well.
This activity is not part of a defined ETD curriculum set and is designed to be completed by students in first or second year undergraduate courses.