This page is a work-in progress! Full Curriculum Set & Activities Coming Soon!
The following Curriculum Set is an example of how ETD activities can be grouped together in a Semester-Long Design course where students work in teams. The Set was designed based on the real implementation of ETD tools in Georgia Tech’s MSE 4420 Capstone Engineering Design II class. This is a three credit hour course that is offered as a 50 minute lecture and six hours of studio time. Students use ETD activities to help with their team-based projects and to prepare them for working in teams in the workforce. Two of the 50 minute lecture periods are utilized and four assignments outside of class are done during the course. Click on the activity titles to learn more about each individual part of this activity set.
Timing / Overview
Pre-Work: 75 minutes
*Pre-Work is to be completed by students independently, typically outside of class.
- Part One: Claiming Your Strengths (60min)
- Take External Strengths Finder Assessment (20-40)
- Watch GallupStrengths Video (5min)
- Highlight Strengths Report (10-20)
- Part Two: My Mindset (15min)
- Watch Instruction Video (5min)
- Download the ETD App (3min)
- Complete My Mindset Worksheet (7min)
In-Class Session 1: 50 minutes
- Part Three: Team Action Plan (50min)
- 3min Buffer [get class started / announcements / intro time]
- Content Video (12min)
- Discussion (5min)
- Instruction Video (10min)
- Complete Team Action Plan template as a team (15min)
- 5min Buffer [end of class updates]
Homework with Team: 90 minutes
- Part Four: Team Roles COMING SOON (45min)
- Part Five: Tasks vs Responsibilities COMING SOON (45min)
In-Class Session 2: 50 minutes
- Part Six: Crucial Conversations Part 1 COMING SOON
Optional Team Assessment: 60 minutes
- Part Seven: PET – Peer Evaluation Tool COMING SOON
- complete PET for each team member (30min per PET)
This Curriculum Set includes 6 ETD activities and an optional 7th activity. The first two activities, Claiming Your Strengths and My Mindset, are assigned as “pre-work” to be completed individually by students as homework. The pre-work is expected to be completed at home and take a little over an hour (approximately 75 minutes). These activities do not need to be assigned at the same time. ETD recommends assigning Claiming Your Strengths after the first week of classes and assigning My Mindset the week before you plan to have your in-class strengths session where you will complete the Team Action Plan activity.
Part Four and Five of the Senior Design Curriculum Set, Team Roles and Tasks vs. Responsibilities are two activities that may be completed together in one class session, or an instructor may choose to assign these activities as homework to be completed with their teams. These activities should be completed shortly after the Team Action Plan while teams are still figuring out their norms and just starting on the actual project work.
Part Six, Crucial Conversations Part 1 is an in-class session that should take place about mid-way through the project life. This lecturette and highly discussion based activity is designed to help team members work through some of the conflicts that may be arising at this point in the project.
The final step of this Set is optional and includes a peer evaluation assessment that can be assigned as homework for all team members to complete independently.
To view all activity materials and detailed notes for instructors click on the activity titles in the outline.
Communicating with your Students
Send Students Pre-Work Email: Team Action Plan Pre-Work Sample Email This sample email includes all links to videos and worksheets that students will need to complete the 2 activities assigned as pre-work to be prepared for the in-class ETD session.
Communication templates for parts 4-7 COMING SOON.